10,000+ locations reviewed to keep your luggage safe

Luggage storage Pagadian City

Freedom to explore from $5.90 / day

Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from $5.90/day
Rated 4.9 by 503,607+ people
$10,000 protection
Free cancellation
10,000+ locations globally
from $5.90/day
Rated 4.9 by 503,607+ people

Our customers say it best

Millions of bags stored. 1M+ customers all over the world.

Christina R.
Becky M.
Milad M.
Cailyn W.
Deborah H.
Dragan V.

How it works

  • Book in a few taps

    Tell us when you want to store your stuff, pick a convenient location, and pay online.

    Download the app

  • Head to the store

    Check in by showing your confirmation to a store employee and drop off your bags.

  • Enjoy the day

    Do whatever you’d like, then show your confirmation to pick up your stuff.

Trusted by millions of customers worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

10,000+ locations worldwide

No matter where you go, it’s easy to find luggage storage near you.

Powered by local businesses

Powered by local businesses

Our friendly partners tag and safely store your luggage in their shops.

Up to $10,000 in protection

Up to $10,000 in protection

In the unlikely event of theft, loss, or damage, your things are covered.

100% free cancellation

100% free cancellation

Change or cancel your booking anytime before check in for a full refund.

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asked questions

  • How much does it cost to store luggage in Pagadian City?

    The price for luggage storage in Pagadian City starts from just $5.90/bag for the entire day.

  • Is it safe to store your bags in Pagadian City?

    Yes. Every bag is tagged with a security seal and comes with the $10,000 Bounce Guarantee. Every location is required to uphold tight security precautions. You may be asked to show ID and you will be required to use a credit card to book through Bounce in advance. With hundreds of thousands of bags stored, you can count on Bounce to handle your baggage in Pagadian City.

  • Are there storage lockers in Pagadian City?

    Yes, there are storage lockers and luggage drop off points in Pagadian City. Storing your luggage with Bounce is as easy as using a storage locker, except a real person is there to watch over your things. If you don’t want to worry about lockers being full or remembering the code for your locker, you can drop off your luggage at any of our convenient locations in Pagadian City.


Store your luggage around Pagadian City with Bounce 

Pagadian City hasn't always been a popular travel destination, but as it's grown into a regional capital, in-the-know globetrotters have started to take note of this coastal town along the Zamboanga Peninsula. Surrounded by lush rainforest and a breezy coastline, travelers get to enjoy the typically excellent weather of the Philippines while enjoying a more unique cultural experience than you get in an international city like Manila.  

While it's situated along the coast, there's plenty to do inland, especially if you are into the outdoors. One of the most popular things to do is take a trek through the dense forest along with seeing the Pulucan Waterfalls. You can also head to the lovely (and tiny) Dao Dao Islands to poke around and enjoy the view of Pagadian City and the waterfront. 

Whether you’re heading here for outdoor pursuits or to enjoy the town, Pagadian City provides a curious small-town experience starkly different from larger cities like Manila. Visiting a more remote travel destination does require a bit of planning, however. Here's everything you need to know about traveling to Pagadian City:

Luggage storage in Pagadian City

Most international travelers arrive in Pagadian by way of Davao City, but there is the relatively small Pagadian Airport nearby for flights from other cities in the Philippines. If you’re trying to sightsee right after you arrive from the airport, you won’t have to head directly to the hotel. You can get right to sightseeing or swimming by using one of the luggage storage services that operate in Pagadian City. 

The best facilities for luggage storage Pagadian City has available are operated by the Bounce network. Bounce makes it easy to find the best possible storage spot and book online through the handy mobile app. Even better, you’ll have already arranged everything by the time you reach the storage facility, so you won’t have any additional fees when you drop your baggage off. Bounce places our luggage storage locations near the top travel destinations, including ones near the best attractions and hotels. With high quality standards, you'll also know that the place you're dropping your bags off at is safe and reliable. It really is the easiest way to store luggage.

Pagadian City city guide 

Museums in Pagadian City

As a small town, Pagadian City is light on museums, but since the water is such an intrinsic part of what makes the city tick, you can still learn a lot by visiting these sites:

Dao-Dao Islands

The Dao-Dao Islands, which are made up of the larger Dao Island and the adorably small Dao-Dakit Island, can be seen from most parts of Pagadian City, but they're absolutely worth the short boat ride to explore. Surrounded by The turquoise waters from the reef, Dao Island is the perfect place to appreciate some marine wildlife. There are plenty of beaches where you can swim and snorkel or simply work on your tan and admire the views of the mainland. 

Pulacan Falls

If you're an outdoorsy type, the Philippines is probably the most underrated country in the world to visit. Won't find much hiking and recreation in Manila, you can take trips to the smaller islands or remote peninsulas to find cities surrounded by lush rainforests, and beaches. Pagadian City is absolutely one of these places. If you head about 30 minutes inland from the city center, you can enjoy trails that run through Upper Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga del Sur, and most notably Pulacan Falls. The waterfall is the perfect place for a post-hike dip to cool down, and it makes for beautiful pictures. Taking a guided tour is highly recommended, especially if it includes transportation from the city. 

Pagadian City Rotunda

Set at the top of the hill on a pleasant roundabout, this leafy little park represents the center of Pagadian City. With a fountain and monument in the center surrounded by beds of flowers and a grove of trees, the Rotunda isn’t exactly reinventing the wheel when it comes to local landmarks. It's still worth stopping by, especially at sunset. The ascent is also great, as you’ll get a sneak preview of the park as you walk uphill from the lower portion of the Pagadian waterfront.  

Shopping in Pagadian City

Gaisano Capital Pagadian

Pagadian City’s main mall offers several dozen shops ranging from Filipino chains to some international brands. It's the perfect place to head on a rainy day as it's completely covered, and there's even a movie theater (although you should know that there are rarely English subtitles in the movies here).  

Pagadian City-Wharf Road 

The quintessential shopping experience in Pagadian City can be found on the main road running from the Rotunda down to the waterfront. The closer you get to the water (Wharf Road), the more you'll start to see tourist-heavy shops and beachwear stores. The further uphill you get, you'll start to see more boutiques along with the Rotunda Market where vendors set up stalls to sell their handcrafted folk items. 

City Commercial Center 

Known locally as the CCC, this local mall is smaller than Gaisano Capital but still offers a few local shops worth stopping in. There's also a supermarket and some convenience stores for practical purchases. It's not a bad place to buy a few things upon arrival, especially if you don't want to pack toiletries or other travel essentials and bring them through customs.

Restaurants in Pagadian City

Greenhouse Fishing Station

This restaurant has been aptly named, as it's quite literally situated in the middle of a fishpond. Looking at the menu, there won't be many surprises here as you'll find almost nothing but seafood. The tilapia is pulled right from the water each day, and Greenhouse serves it either deep-fried, grilled, or in the traditional paksiw way. You'll also find crab dishes, seafood stews, and some sushi-inspired items on the menu. On Friday and Saturday, there's an all-you-can-eat deal (similar to the Friday night fish fry of your local Midwest town) that really brings in the locals. 

Rodolfo's Cuisine

There’s no better way to describe Rodolfo’s than “delightfully no-frills” as this eatery packs in the charm without putting in too much effort. It's a cozy place more suited to its regular customers than it is to international foodies, although if you ask anyone who has traveled to Pagadian City, they'll tell you where to head for the most authentic meal. Like any good Filipino restaurant, their lechon is the best place to start. 


From the name of the restaurant to the atmosphere, everything about Chorks is hilarious. Not that the food isn’t amazing. It is. Perhaps even the best in Pagadian City. But the whimsical and self-aware ambiance and friendly wait staff make a visit here well worth it, especially if you like Filipino specialty lechon manok, which is prepared to perfection and served sizzling. The smokiness of the place can be off-putting to the kids, but give them a taste of roast suckling pig and they’ll forget all about it. And luckily, their patio is spacious for outdoor dining. 


If you want to make your trip to the Philippines easier, you can really benefit from using a luggage storage service like Bounce. With secure storage locations throughout the country, including convenient ones in Pagadian City, Zamboanga City, Boracay, and Bohol, you can always rely on the Bounce network to take care of your bags. Download the Bounce mobile app so you can find a place to store your bags on your next trip to this fascinating country! 

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